
Data Spaces Integration

Everyone is talking about data spaces - and numerous initiatives at European level aim to demonstrate the added value that the standardized, self-determined exchange of company data can bring to a wide range of industries. The CBA Lab has posed the question of which architecture is the key to success here. Whether a ready-made solution, in-house development or aaS approach: the interlocking in the enterprise architecture must be suitable so that the valuable data can be processed accordingly and all the benefits can be exploited.

The “CBA Path to Data Spaces”

A holistic journey, the “CBA Path to Data Spaces”, is used to describe the stages in the introduction of data spaces:

  • What does the business case look like - what are the benefits of using data rooms, who benefits - and why?
  • What are the requirements for data governance? Where does our company stand with this - what needs to change, where are there gaps?
  • What adjustments to the enterprise architecture are required - which architectures are specifically affected?
  • Where are applications affected, how can they be integrated - what is the best approach for our business?
  • Who needs to be involved in terms of communication - which multipliers do we have, who can provide support?
  • We have established a data space - what are our learnings, where can we iterate?

The project team has collected and consolidated the existing work tools and result fragments from the member companies and optimized them for direct use. All fragments are structured for the respective phases and stored as source data with numerous references to frameworks and other workstreams on the CBA Lab work platform.

Regardless of whether the introduction of a data space is planned or is already being implemented: Our insights help to ensure that nothing is overlooked.