Services – How We Work

Round Tables – direct exchange, live and open

Member meetings take place three times a year and provide the large-scale forum needed to exchange information and ideas on new developments, results, the status of work in various areas, and new challenges that all of our member companies face. These meetings, which run for a day-and-a-half, are always hosted by a different member company. They allow us to get to know one another and the different companies at which we work.

Our members define the topics for our workstreams

Die Wurzeln des Cross-Business-Architecture Lab liegen in der IT. Aber mit der Digitalen Transformation verschwimmen die Grenzen zum Business und lösen sich auf. IT wird Business und umgekehrt. Klassische IT, Produkt-IT und Produktions-IT laufen aufeinander zu und verschmelzen. Der CIO ist nicht mehr der einzige Verantwortliche für IT- und Enterprise-Architekturen, der CDO und immer mehr Fachseiten bauen oft gleichberechtigt IT. Dies miteinander zu tun und zu organisieren ist eine der Fragestellungen im CBA Lab.

CBA Lab products are valuable to our members – but also free

Particularly valuable results achieved at CBA Lab are documented and continually updated by our organization within the framework of a product lifecycle management system. The most important results to date have led to the creation of the CBA Lab Training Program and a Digital Navigator. These and other products and programs are available for our members to use free of charge.

The "VUCA world" and its complexity can only be effectively managed if technical, economic, process, and organizational aspects are looked at together. EA offers enough tools to address all of these aspects and continuously improve them.
Dr. Arun Anandasivam
Board Member