Benefits for Members

Benefit from the best practices of member companies

The ability to quickly implement proven best practices from our member companies in a usable form leads to a measurable increase in the expertise and performance of one’s department or unit. For example, how can cloud services, microservices, or API management systems be used most efficiently – and where?

Rapid response to innovations

As a principle, the Cross-Business-Architecture Lab addresses the latest technology trends at a very early stage of their development and assesses their relevance and feasibility. The first CBA Lab Cloud Guide was made available to member companies when the cloud first became a topic of discussion back in 2012. The Cloud Guide was followed by the Mobility Guide in 2013, and the first Blockchain Guide was released in 2018.

Enterprise architecture today creates business value as an optimizer, information broker and influencer, anchored in the thinking and actions of employees.
Christian Schwaiger

Knowledge increases when it is shared

The original idea of the CIOs who founded our association was to create a platform for common curricula and training in order to more quickly establish and expand expertise among their own employees. This immense know-how effect continues to this day, perpetuated in joint training courses and collaborative workstreams. It’s a valuable resource that no amount of money can buy.

Our network is a virtual gold mine

The network of CIOs, architects, and digitalization specialists at the Cross-Business-Architecture Lab is closely knit, trusted, and very valuable to our members, who utilize it across all business sectors. It’s always a remarkable thing to be able to just call up another company and ask them to tell you how they do the things you’re interested in doing.

CBA Lab products are valuable to our members – but also free

The CBA Lab product known as the Digital Navigator was developed in accordance with member companies’ requirements, and the same is true of the CBA Lab Training program. Both of these are available to all member companies free of charge.

We have the budget for your issues

If a company is not a member of the Cross-Business-Architecture Lab and encounters a problem, it will usually hire a consultant. However, this itself can often be a problem if a company’s budget is limited. The members of CBA Lab are always in a position to take action if circumstances call for it. Past and current workstreams funded by CBA Lab, our network’s wealth of experience, and an extensive library of results and findings offer relevant knowledge and expertise to address all kinds of issues – with no need to hire an external consultant. The establishment and expansion of an enterprise architecture system? Data governance? A Cloud Guide? A Mobility Guide? A Blockchain Guide? CBA Lab has it all, and more.
Der Daten-Governance? Ein Cloud Guide? Mobility Guide? Blockchain Guidance?
Alles da.

Are you interested in participating in a Round Table discussion – or would you like to become a member of CBA Lab? The Cross-Business-Architecture Lab welcomes the participation of companies and organizations that utilize modern applications and systems. If you’re interested, simply get in touch with us.