CBA Lab Talk: New format for EAM topics

The CBA Lab Talk is a new web format of the CBA Lab e. V. for discussion and inspiration on all topics related to enterprise architecture. One speaker, one moderator and many guests around a pithy topic - in the premiere, the speaker team Prof. Dr. Stephan Zimmermann & Melanie Huber from the universities of Augsburg and Constance gave an overview of research topics on EA - with surprising insights, surprising feedback and research requests from the audience and intensive discussion. An inspiring hour for everyone who attended.
Unfortunately, the planned date for the CBA Lab Talk on September 27 cannot take place.
Next CBA Lab Talk:
October 20, 2022, 5 p.m.
Joachim Schmider, Chairman of the Board of the CBA Lab e. V. and Vice President Enterprise Architecture / Strategic Digitalization at Schaeffler AG, will talk about “Digital Sustainability - EA as a strategic business management discipline”.
Schaeffler's experiences and successes in the importance and positioning of enterprise architecture as an important enabler for corporate transformation, especially when it becomes more extensive and thus more complex. EA as a strategic tool for mastering complexity.
The recording of the first CBA Lab Talk on trends in EAM is available here: