

2nd CBA Lab Talk: Digital Sustainability - EA as a Strategic Business Management Discipline

In the 2nd CBA Lab Talk, Joachim Schmider, Chairman of the CBA Lab and Vice President Enterprise Architecture Strategic IT & Digitalization at Schaeffler AG, spoke on 20.10.2022 about his view of EAM and how EA is implemented at Schaeffler.

At Schaeffler, EA is alive and well; it directly involves the people who act - even those outside of IT. This brings architecture issues and decisions much closer to the business. On the one hand, because those affected are involved in the decisions, and on the other hand, because the decisions have a visible and traceable impact in their areas. This makes EAM an important enabler for business transformation and a strategic tool for managing complexity.

In the 2nd CBA Lab Talk, Joachim Schmider also talks about how to give business departments "eureka moments" when it comes to architecture. He is very keen that architects do not talk exclusively about IT, but also about data, processes, business models or about operating models.

Click here for the recording (German):